How can you adapt to an Online Business Management support model for your Senior Leadership team?
As we all adjust yet again to the challenges of working from home, being keyworkers, business owners, management teams & fathoming our way through wildly changing work places; one thing is for certain, we are all making changes to our daily working lives. Some of us may be seeking ways to streamline our businesses or simply finding more efficient ways to remain connected to & in touch with our Senior Leadership Team’s.
Over the past year, the Virtually Smart team have been supporting the ever growing team of Dolphin N2 as their ground breaking recuperated split cycle CryoPower engine is developed. As the ‘game changing’ technology develops, so too does the size of their team & the specific skills each one of those team members bring with them.
As can be imagined, bringing new team members on board during a pandemic & while large swathes of the UK work force are working remotely, is no mean feat.
Therefore, how has the Virtually Smart team assisted with this transition & supported this ever-growing team of Engineers, Project Managers & Design Engineers?
Helena Parrott – VA/Online Business Management Team Leader/Director Virtually Smart
As we came in to 2020, the Dolphin N2 team were forging ahead having spun out from their original umbrella company & being purchased by FPT Industrial, a subsidiary of CNH Industrial. During this time the team was predominantly made up of the original CEO, Technical Director, Operations Manager & the original group of engineers.
Not only did Helena support the team during the transition, but she was also fully responsible for setting up new offices, implementing an entirely new IT systems & ensuring all of the team’s contracts were current & up to date, whilst also continuing to support to the Dolphin N2 CEO & entire Senior Leadership team with all of their needs on a daily basis.
As the pandemic has taught us all, we have all had to find ways to adapt.
With the Virtually Smart offices being located in Nottingham, the Dolphin N2 offices being located in Shoreham, Sussex & the entire team working safely on or off site; attending daily SLT Zoom meetings & acting upon any expectations & or needs presented by the SLT team; has become more of an important role than ever for Helena.
In addition to the daily support Helena gives to the entire Dolphin N2 team, she is also responsible for coordinating with & updating the UK team & international partners, leading meetings, preparing presentations, group diary management, inbox management & any & all support the team need to allow them to continue with their extensive projects & developments.
This remote Business Management support system being developed & honed by Helena at Virtually Smart, has proven to be flexible & adaptive as the ever-changing landscape created by the pandemic unfolds. Helena’s flexible & professional approach has enabled the Dolphin N2 team to always know that Helena & the Virtually Smart team are only an email or Zoom call away.
This week’s Office ‘Time saver’!
Each week we are going to ask the Virtually Smart team members for some insights into any office based quick work solutions which have enabled tasks to be completed more efficiently. This week Helena Parrott has shared her new Copy/Paste feature, a time saving gem!
“I recently discovered the Split View feature in MS Office. Using the WINDOWS + Arrow keys allows you to split your screen. It moves your current screen to one side, allows you to select your second screen and view both and up to four screens and work on them simultaneously! Cuts down some of the long copy paste jobs!”
Helena Parrott – VA/Director Virtually Smart
Written by Katy-Jane Mason for & on behalf of Virtually Smart