Is it possible to stick to a plan, when global goals keep moving?
Another year is nearly behind us, another year where the global pandemic has continued to alter our lives & livelihoods. However, despite so many of our lives & traditions being affected by the pandemic, we still see the New Year as a new beginning & a time to start afresh.
Whether you believe in New Year Resolutions or not, there are always things we hope to change in a new year.
With this in mind, Virtually Smart have gathered four questions which could help improve & or change your New Year & make 2022 just a little bit different.
If you already work from home, how could you improve your workspace?
For many working from home is simply the norm. Home based offices or workshops are established & routines are set in place for success.
However, for many UK workers who have been encouraged to work from home due to the pandemic, it can still be a challenge to find a space to establish as a ‘work space’
Therefore, if you are now working from home either temporarily or on a more permanent basis, you could try:
a/ Making sure your work area is static & you have set up your tools (laptop, workshop tools, crafting, etc) in one place. This will enable you to return to them, creating a routine.
b/ Try & make sure you have access to a window or at least a vision of outside, it could even be a painting of a forest or seaside. This helps remain connected to the outside world.
c/ Keep your workspace clear of everyday items such as magazines, food, home based letters. Think about what you would normally have access to in your normal daily work life & limit your home work space to reflect this.
Do you feel pressured to diet in the New Year? Why not just include some healthy options?
At this time of year, the Diet magazines, Apps & Slimming groups start their annual trawl of the social media channels, television & radio encouraging us all to shift the festive pounds.
However, for many of us the festive period is simply a time to eat better, more regularly & more heartily, grateful for the time to enjoy our food.
Therefore, unless you had already planned to shift a pound or two, try not to be pressured to lose weight you most likely have not gained. Eating healthily should be part of all of our daily lives & if you want to feel better in yourself, now might be the time to readjust your diet, not go on a ‘diet’!
Trying to introduce some more fresh fruit & vegetables into your daily diet, reducing refined sugars & maybe trying meat free meals more regularly; are all ways to feel better in yourself & you don’t need a Nutritionist or Dietician to tell you so. It’s common sense.
Want to learn some new skills? How about an online course which could benefit your job or community?
In recent months the uptake in Sign Language courses across the UK has increased dramatically due to Rose Ayling-Ellis’ appearance on Strictly Come Dancing. Rose having inspired the nation due to her being profoundly deaf, has motivated thousands of people to take up sign language courses, inspired by her.
Therefore, if you are considering learning something new in 2022, now would be the time to think about what you could learn & how this might either benefit your job & or how it could improve your connection to your community.
Feel the need to get fitter, but would like a social element too? How about the Park Run community?
As mentioned above, it is at this time of year that the Diet companies guilt us all into shedding a few festive pounds & gym membership promotions are everywhere.
If you are considering getting fitter for 2022 & want to be more sociable at the same time, you could join your local Park Run.
I have many friends who are seasoned Park Run runners & not only do you get a weekly exercise run & you are outside in the fresh air; but you also have the opportunity to meet new people & become part of the Park Run Community.
Alternatively, if you know someone who has a dog, you could join in on a dog walk or you could contact a local charity who helps walk dogs for disabled & or infirm people, benefitting you & them.
New Year’s are always a bit of anti-climax as we adjust from the festivities of December into colder January & February. However, with a few realistic goals & things you really want to achieve laid out in front of you; it can make the start of 2022 a whole lot brighter.
Happy New Year from all of us at Virtually Smart.
Written by Katy-Jane for & on behalf of Virtually Smart Ltd.