Are you an expanding SME seeking a business support team to take you to the next level? Then Virtually Smart Ltd can help. The role of the Online Business manager…
Are you an expanding SME seeking a business support team to take you to the next level? Then Virtually Smart Ltd can help. The role of the Online Business manager…
The role of the Executive Assistant (EA) has changed dramatically over the last twenty years. A connected world now means more flexibility allowing international working opportunities without having to leave…
With over 20 years PA/EA/business support experience, Helena Parrott – Director of Virtually Smart Ltd – knew she had the specialist skills to support SME’s, CEO’s, Senior leadership teams, entrepreneurs…
Virtually Smart Ltd was created by Helena Parrott back in 2017 with a vision to offer Executive Virtual Assistant & Online Business Banagement solutions offering expert support to CEO’s, Managing…
Virtually Smart Ltd is celebrating its 5th anniversary & what a journey it has been so far. With over 20 years PA/EA/business support experience, Helena Parrott – Director of Virtually…
A well-chosen & relevant venue for an event can transform attendees’ experiences. In the case of the Dolphin N2 team strategy day on Tuesday 15th November the choice of the…
“All you need to succeed is an idea & a can do attitude” Sara Davies MBE When you hear the name Sara Davies MBE, for a lot of people they…
Is 2022 the year you finally take the plunge & start your own business? Have you been working on a business plan & are not sure how to take the…
Over the past 15 months the work environment for millions of employees has changed dramatically. With hundreds of thousands furloughed & or working from home; for many the CV19 pandemic…
SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats As Britain begins to see an easing of Covid19 lockdown measures & slowly & cautiously the economy starts to re-open; businesses across the…