BlogBusiness psychology

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” Yoda, Star Wars. Wise words from the Jedi Master & something you must grasp if you want to be a successful business owner.

By August 20, 2018 February 27th, 2019 No Comments

Following on from last week’s blog, this week I will explore some of the other considerations needed for running your own business, in particular how to choose you’re your website/social media content, identify your client avatar & how to cite from another source.

“Following on from  last week’s blog, this week I will explore some of the other considerations needed for running your own business, in particular how to choose you’re your website/social media content, identify your client avatar & how to cite from another source.

So, you have chosen a business name, you’ve got your website set up, social media ready to go & family & friends are routing for you. You may have been lucky enough to have some small investment form somewhere & you know you are ready to launch. Everything feels like it is in place & you are ready to release yourself, your brand, your product, your service on the world.

Running a business is a learning curve to beat all learning curves. If anyone says that it’s a ‘breeze’, I am afraid they are not telling a truth. It is tough out there in a world where so many are choosing the self-employed/entrepreneurial pathway & it is all too easy to lose your way.

“A Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. But beware the Dark Side. Anger, fear, and aggression; the Dark Side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight.”

Yoda, Star Wars.

The Jedi mindset, as Master Yoda repeatedly tells Luke Skywalker, is all about letting the mighty ‘Force’ guide you. In business the force can be likened to your  gut instinct. When you first start in business, your gut instinct may send mixed messages, as you may feel you must work every client/customer which comes your way. Your gut instinct is your version of the ‘force’ letting you know it is alright to feel, to be wary, to consider your client choices. This is how you start to identify your ‘client avatar’.

How to identify your client avatar.

When you first start in business you will most likely feel that you need to take on every single job which comes your way. However, identifying your client avatar at an early stage, will enable you to curtail your advertising to entice your perfect client/customer, your ‘client avatar’, to your business.

When you consider your perfect client, you will need to reflect on your own strengths, interests & ideas. You may have already worked in a sector whereby you enjoyed the sector & therefore want to focus on attracting clients/customers from these backgrounds.

One way of identifying how to create engaging content to entice potential clients/customers, is to understand where your client avatar ‘hangs out’ socially & which social media channels they are most active in. Research takes time, but what you put in at the beginning, will help you to shape & mould your client base in the future. Once you have identified your client avatar, you will need to consider how your website & social media content can attract & interest them.

“For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you.“ Yoda, Star Wars.

Website & Social Media Content.

When you are creating  content  for your website & social media presence, you will need to consider how you create a balance. You should balance between your own written content & sharing content which connects to a topic covered by you or something your company is linked to. You are aiming to make your followers & potential clients/customers not only see what you are advertising, but make them feel ‘happier, smarter & informed’

One thing you must avoid, is only advertising your products & services. Yes, you need to advertise what you offer; but you must also give your clients/customers something to help them learn, make them feel happier & something to engage with. Whether you are using blogs/vlogs, video or articles, make sure you vary your content.

“Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.”

– Yoda, Star Wars.

How to cite from another page & or cite a quote.

One way to vary your website/social media content, is by including work by other authors. Not only does this how you are well read & considering other writer’s points of view; but it also shows that you are prepared to look beyond your own mindset & ideas. However, be mindful of the ease of ‘copy & paste’.

If you copy & paste from another website or social media source, without citing correctly; you could be setting yourself up for a Copyright lawsuit. Not only is it illegal to directly copy & paste from another source & try and pass the work off as your own, but it is also lazy & not a great way of gaining respect from your peers. Make sure when you copy & paste that you not only identify the author, but also include the source you gained the information from.”

“Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.”

– Yoda, Star Wars

Written by Katy Jane on behalf of Virtually Smart Ltd