Last week we questioned the relevance of New Year resolutions & instead posed some thought provoking questions to elicit goal & 2022 target setting instead.
Setting realistic & achievable goals can be part of ongoing personal development & can help focus & prioritise your work life balance.
If for example you are one of the many thousands of workers who have had to & are continuing to adjust to home working; setting personal goals & targets for sustaining a work life balance can be key to separating home & work commitments.
Therefore, as we come into 2022, we have asked the Virtually Smart team to consider their one important goal they wish to focus on for 2022 & how this might impact on their work & life.
Name: Helena Parrott
Job title @ Virtually Smart Ltd: Director/ Online Business Manager
2022 Goal:
Personal – Be better at taking regular ‘me time’ – it’s too easy when busy, to just plough through the day & find you’ve been sitting at a desk for 10 hours & reaching for the sneaky crisp drawer for lunch. I spend my days so focused on organising others I don’t always look after myself.
Business – 2022 is already looking like such a busy year already kicking off with managing two staff surveys, a large event & an ISO 9001 audit for my clients – I think the first quarter at least will be a whirlwind.
I’d like to complete the Virtually Smart rebrand that we’ve been battling through for the last 18 months & connect with some more amazing clients, especially research & development & start-up companies.
Name: Katy-Jane Mason
Job Title at Virtually Smart: Virtual Assistant, Social Media Coordinator, Content Writer
2022 Goal:
Business – I would like to support Helena in establishing Virtually Smart Ltd as an all-encompassing, Online Business Management service with expert, professional VA’s & Online Business Managers offering a full range of skills to support SME’s, start-ups & research & development innovators.
I will be seeking to attend conferences & events where Virtually Smart Ltd clients are in attendance & promoting in real time across social media platforms. This will also give me an opportunity to interact with other attendees, gathering up to date information about the event’s outcomes as they happen.
Personal – Definitely need to find some more ‘Me time’ in 2022. Being part of the Virtually Smart Ltd team & running my own business with my partner keeps me very busy.
2022 will be a year of rethinking, refocusing & readjusting to establish a healthy work life balance.
My Goal for 2022 is to gain more knowledge in Excel & improve my skills. Also, with the arrival of our little boy last year, I want to improve my organisation & time management as it seems more challenging currently.
Name: Owen Newton
Job Title at Virtually Smart: Virtual Assistant, Design & Social Media
2022 Goal:
In 2022 I would like to improve my skills & knowledge within the social media management field. I’m going to be on the lookout for email marketing training as well as ways in which I can optimise my use of various social media platforms.
The ‘bigger picture’ through all of this is to be and feel a lot more like a Professional Virtual Assistant within social media so to expand & fill out my personal portfolio of work.
On top of all of this I also plan on exploring more creative avenues both in my personal & professional life.
Name: Joseph Churchill
Job Title at Virtually Smart: Business Administrator
2022 Goal:
I hope to continue my work with Virtually Smart & expand our clientele to gain experience in managing multiple clients. I also hope to start my PhD in Ecology & Evolution & continue working for Virtually Smart & to further my development as a young professional.
Written & collated by Katy-Jane Mason for & on behalf of Virtually smart Ltd