Spring clean your desk. Clear it. Clean it. Own it.

Desk Space: Clear it. Clean it. Own it.
Although we live in an expanding & ever digital world where we are constantly streamlining ourselves into ‘The Cloud’; physical office & work spaces are still an intrinsic part of business practises. If you have your own desk or you work in a ‘hot seating’ environment, if you work in an office or from home; ensuring your work setting is physically clutter free is essential for a tidy mind, better concentration & efficiency.
Whether you sit, stand or huddle, to maximise your productivity, make sure you only have the crucial components of your working day visible. Consider first what you need to use every day. Laptop? Pen? Physical notepad? Coffee cup? Is this all? Be strict with yourself. Do you really need all the photos of your family with you? & the dog? & the cute kitten playing with the cotton candy? Maybe choose one which has a special meaning & keep the rest for the comfort of your own home. Do you really need the biscuits, packets of sweets & the eight flavours of tea forming a barricade around you? Put them away & only reach for them when they are actually needed.
Creating zones in your working environment, is another way of getting organised. Where you place something can become it’s ‘zone’. Zones should be where you can comfortably reach, without having to physically stretch or move to. If your coffee cup has its own zone for easy access, don’t obstruct it with a box, a frame, a Troll! If your work space is a movable feast, you will hamper your own productivity by chasing your tail constantly, as you locate and relocate what you are looking for. Once established, stick to your ‘zones’ rigorously.
All too often work spaces are cluttered with unnecessary distractions. For example, keeping your physical office supplies away from your workspace, ensures a clean and proactive work space. If your desk is covered in post it notes, empty coffee cups, files & general office flotsam and jetsam; it’s high time to spring clean and clear the physical/mental clutter from your work space.
Virtually Smart Ltd offer an Office Rescue package designed to tackle spaces where desk disasters have overtaken or where the dreaded office ‘time’ pixies have run a-muck & created carnage in their wake. Virtually Smart Ltd can offer to physically attend your working space & help you ‘spring clean’, clearing clutter, supporting & putting systems & strategies in place to help you get organised & stay organised.
Contact us on 07954 994 769 or via our website www.virtuallysmartltd.com for more information or to gain a quote.